One of those moments that was both for me is right before Bella chose her path, between Jacob and Edward, and she knew that by turning away from Jacob, she was giving up having 2 children. For some reason that struck me terribly sad, but it was a beautiful moment.
One of my least favorite is Rosalie when she's obsessing over the baby...I wanted to deck her. I can understand on some level because she can't have any, but for crying out loud it wasn't HER baby, and the rest of the family should have pounced on her. Yeah it all worked out in the end. However I still feel that way about Rosalie.
Another least favorite part is that Bella never was honest to Edward about what she was going through when going through the change, and she forgot to tell Carlisle.
Another favorite part is when she's learning to run and leap, and she's all graceful now instead of clumsy.